April 192023

Staff Devel­op­ment Studio

VIVA! Suc­cess in Toric and Mul­ti­fo­cal Con­tact Lens Fitting

1:00 pm — 1:50 pm

Two of the biggest ways to grow your con­tact lens prac­tice are ele­vat­ing toric and mul­ti­fo­cal fit­tings. In this ses­sion led by an NCLE-cer­ti­fied opti­cian, you will learn about Coop­er­Vi­sion’s toric and mul­ti­fo­cal lens designs and how to increase your con­fi­dence in pre­scrib­ing them.

Coop­er­Vi­sion® Spon­sored NCLE Prep Course

NCLE Ocu­lar Anato­my, Phys­i­ol­o­gy & Pathol­o­gy; Refrac­tive Errors

10:00 am — 12:00 pm 

NCLE Instru­men­ta­tion for Mea­sure­ment & Obser­va­tion; Pre fitting

1:00 pm — 2:00 pm 

NCLE Dis­pens­ing, Fol­low-up and Regulatory

2:00 pm — 4:00 pm 

NCLE Diag­nos­tic Fitting

4:00 pm — 5:00 pm 

Do you have staff that need addi­tion­al train­ing on opti­cal skills or con­tact lens fit­ting skills? These cours­es are great edu­ca­tion to pre­pare staff to sit for the NCLE Exam­i­na­tions and the cours­es pro­vide a great review for staff want­i­ng gain addi­tion­al train­ing on these topics.

April 202023

Coop­er­Vi­sion® Gen­er­al Ses­sion Stage Show

Thurs­day AM

Join us dur­ing Gen­er­al Ses­sion for an…interesting…show as we reveal this year’s lat­est ideas and advance­ments. From prod­ucts to ini­tia­tives to show spe­cials and more, this show has it all! 

Exhib­it Hall Open 

12:15 pm – 2:45 pm 

Vis­it the Coop­er­Vi­sion® booth for exclu­sive lim­it­ed-time offers on Coop­er­Vi­sion® sil­i­cone hydro­gel con­tact lens­es and cus­tomer brand products. 

Expand­ed Con­tent Sessions

Viva la Con­tact Lens Practice! 

3:00pm – 3:50pm

4:00pm – 4:50pm

Join Dr. Chris Wolfe and CooperVision’s Dr Michele Andrews and Dr, Aldo Zucaro, along with a pan­el of your peers, dur­ing a live record­ing of an Eye­Code Media Pod­cast. Get a front row seat to this con­ver­sa­tion about con­tact lens prac­tice growth and leave with new insights and action­able ideas. 

The­ater Session

Are You Prof­itable Enough with Con­tact Lens­es Business?

7:00 pm – 7:20 pm 

7:30 pm – 7:50 pm

Learn 3 easy ways to help max­i­mize your con­tact lens prof­itabil­i­ty in just 20 minutes!

Exhib­it Hall Open 

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Vis­it the Coop­er­Vi­sion® booth for exclu­sive lim­it­ed-time offers on Coop­er­Vi­sion® sil­i­cone hydro­gel con­tact lens­es and cus­tomer brand products.

April 212023

Exhib­it Hall Open

8:30 am – 10:30 am

4:00 pm — 6:00 pm

Vis­it the Coop­er­Vi­sion® booth for exclu­sive lim­it­ed-time offers on Coop­er­Vi­sion® sil­i­cone hydro­gel con­tact lens­es and cus­tomer brand products.

April 222023

Exhib­it Hall Open

12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Vis­it the Coop­er­Vi­sion® booth for exclu­sive lim­it­ed-time offers on Coop­er­Vi­sion® sil­i­cone hydro­gel con­tact lens­es and cus­tomer brand products.

The­ater Session

Are You Prof­itable Enough with Con­tact Lens­es Business?

1:30 pm – 1:50 pm

Learn 3 easy ways to help max­i­mize your con­tact lens prof­itabil­i­ty in just 20 minutes!